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Flame Retardant Films


Flame Retardant Films

Flame retardants (FR)are chemical compounds added with an objective to inhibit/retard the ignition/burning of the plastic. To prevent combustion, it becomes necessary to design a thermally stable polymer that has a lesser probability of decomposing into combustible gases under heat stress.

Flame retardant additives can be added to a polymer to improve its fire resistance properties by increasing the materials ignition temperature, reducing flame propagation speeds and reducing smoke emissions. Flame retardant materials are obligatory in a vast range of applications, from building and construction products, household and electrical appliances, automotive and aeronautical components, cabling materials and furnishings.

GreenPro can produce custom 7-layer wide-width films with flame retardant and/or reduced smoke generation properties, in combination with other desired properties such as color and conductivity.

Standard Certifications
NF P92-507 M1
DIN4102 B1
Euroclasse / NF EN 13501-1+A1 B S1-D0


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