Additional Roofing Protection – Synthetic Roofing Underlayment

Is leaking roof creating a regular problem in your life? Are environmental hazards like sun and snow entering your private or working space, disrupting your normal life? Well, in that case your house definitely needs a roofing underlayment. An additional roof protective layer brought you by GreenPro Ventures that would provide you with resistance against wind, rain, snow and other environmental hazards while preventing them from entering your personal space.
Let’s walk you through what is GreenPro Venture’s synthetic roofing underlayment and how it can help in providing additional protection to your roof.
What is Synthetic Roofing Underlayment?
Our synthetic roofing underlayment is an extra layer of protection for your roof manufactured using fabrics comprising of 4 layers: non-woven polymers, bonding films, woven polypropylene and an anti-skid coating. This allows the synthetic roofing underlayment to protect you from facing problems caused by environmental hazards, which shingles alone cannot prevent.
How Synthetic Roofing Underlayment Functions
The Synthetic roofing underlayment provides the roof with an extra layer of protection that shingles alone can’t match. Shingles serve as the first line of defense; however, they overlap and aren’t sealed at all corners. This makes them susceptible to being lifted by strong winds and vulnerable to infiltration by wind-driven rain. The use of synthetic roofing underlayment, over shingles serve as a tougher and extra barrier providing resistance against wind, rain, snow and other environmental hazards. They are typically installed between the roof deck and roof covering and are used mainly in steep-slope roof construction. Synthetic roofing underlayment’ is light weight and thinner in nature than asphalt felts. This makes them easy to install while facilitating a unique walking pattern.
Advantages of using Synthetic Roofing Underlayment
The primary advantage of synthetic roofing underlayment begins with its basic principle of functioning as an additional protective layer, by providing safeguard against natural elements. Further with the use of synthetic roofing underlayment users can get an anti skidding finish for their roof. Besides these advantages Synthetic underlayment are resistant to tears & leaks and are wrinkle-free. They are resistant to fungal growth since they don’t absorb moisture. They’re also resistant to UV damage and can be left exposed to weather for periods from six months to a year making them extremely economical and long lasting product for user. These advantages of Synthetic roofing underlayment are supported by the features that make them unique in nature. Let’s walk you through the advantageous features of synthetic roofing underlayment.
Features of Synthetic Roof Underlayment
Some of the major features of Synthetic Roof Underlayment that allows the product to provide major benefits to the users are as follow:
- UV protection
- Extreme weather protection
- Anti-slip walk able surface
- Anti-skid layer for easy installation
- High temperature tolerance
- Water-resistant
- Wrinkle-free
- Fire-resistant
- Lighter and thinner in nature
These features not only make the product unique but also allow it to stand out in the market above and beyond its competitors like asphalt.
Specifications of Synthetic Roof Underlayment
At Greenpro our synthetic roof underlayment comes in three major types they are as follow:
All of these three variants of synthetic roof underlayment are available in different size and rolls making them ideal for all types and sizes of roof requirements. Further at Greenpro we also provide our customers with the option of customizable Synthetic Roof Underlayment as per their own size requirement, making them suitable for all possible types of roofs.
So if you are one looking for a perfect roof underlayment for your office, home or any other places, you can get in touch with us, we would be happy to help you.
Why Choose Us?
To get the best of quality Synthetic Roof Underlayment, it is of immense importance to select an experienced, reliable and well known Synthetic Roof Underlayment manufacturer. This is to make sure you get only the best of quality Synthetic Roof Underlayment so that the intended results can be obtained. In this regard, no other option would be as good as Green Pro. Green Pro is a leading Synthetic Roof Underlayment manufacturer providing the users with premium quality roof underlayment products that adheres to all the set standards that ideally serve their intended purpose of use. Greenpro’s Synthetic Roof Underlayment comes in variant of 3 different types to select from, helping you with the right type of Synthetic Roof Underlayment that would help you complete your task. To know more about the product or for business enquiry you can get in touch with us.